Your safety is our priority as our community continues to limit the spread of the coronavirus. During our phased reopening and until Michigan enters Phase 6, the post-pandemic period, all guests, staff and volunteers at the Troy Historic Village will follow the following policies:
- Staff and guests wear face masks when inside buildings or in close proximity with others outside and maintain six feet of social-distancing
- A sneeze shield is installed at the Village Store counter
- We request credit card or online payments whenever possible
- Hand sanitizer is provided in all buildings and at picnic tables
- Town Hall toys and Poppleton school supplies are not available
- The Print Shop is closed
- A restroom with touchless fixtures but no drinking fountain is available
- Enhanced protocols for daily and deep-cleaning include sanitizing all touchable surfaces multiple times during public hours
- Refreshments will not be served during programs
- Staff and business guests will complete Health Check Surveys to provide contact-tracing data